



同样,一些神学家和宗教人士表示,后现代性[16]和现代性的许多方面[17]透过否定宗教原则来代表虚无主义。然而,虚无主义被广泛归因于宗教和非宗教观点。[8]在普遍使用中,该术语通常是指存在虚无主义的形式,根据这种形式,生命没有内在价值、意义或目的。[18] 虚无主义中的其他突出立场包括拒绝所有规范和伦理观点(道德虚无主义),拒绝所有社会和政治制度(政治虚无主义,英语:Political nihilism),认为没有知识可以或确实存在的立场(认识论虚无主义,英语:Epistemological nihilism),以及许多形而上学立场断言非抽象对象不存在(形而上学虚无主义,英语:Metaphysical nihilism),复合对像不存在(分体虚无主义,英语:Mereological nihilism),甚至生命本身不存在。

词源 英文“Nihilism”这个词最早来源于拉丁语中的“nihil”,意为“什么都没有”。牛津英语字典认为它于1817年进入英语词汇,而Alain Ray的Dictionnaire historique de la langue française(1995年修订版)认为它在1787年进入法语词汇,nihiliste最早于1761年使用;不过那时,指宗教意义上的异教徒。Ray同时认为1829年出现在俄语中的nigilizm,是由于这个词对于现代语言的浸透。

拉丁语中的不定代词nihil 由nihilum减缩而成。

哲学中的虚无主义 虽然屠格涅夫使虚无主义这个词众所周知,但它是由弗里德里希·海因里希·雅各比首先引入哲学领域。雅各比想用这个词展现出理性主义特色,特别是康德的批判哲学。他认为所有的理性主义都可以减到虚无,这样我们应该试图去避免它,回归到某些信仰。



伦理道德中的虚无主义 在伦理中,“虚无主义者”或“虚无主义”是用来指彻底拒绝一切权威,道德,社会习惯的行为,或声言要这样做的人。或是通过拒绝一切既定的信仰,或是通过极端的相对主义或怀疑主义,虚无主义者认为那些对于权力的掌控都是无效的并应被对抗。在虚无主义者看来,道德价值的最终来源并非文化或理性,而是个体本身。

后现代主义与知识的崩溃 后现代主义思想将认识论及伦理体系推至极端的相对主义。这在让-弗朗索瓦·利奥塔及德里达的作品中尤其明显。这些哲学家试图否认西方文明真理、意义、历史进程、人文主义理想以及启蒙运动所建立的基础。虽然原则上后现代主义被认为是虚无主义哲学,值得注意的是,虚无主义接受后现代主义的非难。虚无主义是对宇宙真理的宣称,这正是后现代主义所拒绝的。

参考文献 Crosby, Donald A. Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy 1. London: Routledge. 2016 [2022-04-28]. ISBN 978-0-415-25069-6. doi:10.4324/9780415249126-n037-1. (原始内容存档于2022-06-01). As its name implies (from Latin nihil, 'nothing'), philosophical nihilism is a philosophy of negation, rejection, or denial of some or all aspects of thought or life. 已忽略未知参数|chatper= (帮助) Deleuze, Gilles. Nietzsche and Philosophy. 由Tomlinson, Hugh翻译. London: The Athlone Press. 19621983. ISBN 978-0-231-13877-2. Nietzsche calls the enterprise of denying life and depreciating existence nihilism. Veit, Walter. Existential Nihilism: The Only Really Serious Philosophical Problem. 2018. doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.26965.24804 (英语). Crosby, Donald A. Nihilism. Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy 1. London: Routledge. 2016 [2022-04-28]. ISBN 978-0-415-25069-6. doi:10.4324/9780415249126-n037-1. (原始内容存档于2022-06-01). As its name implies (from Latin nihil, 'nothing'), philosophical nihilism is a philosophy of negation, rejection, or denial of some or all aspects of thought or life. Pratt, Alan. Nihilism. Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. (原始内容存档于2010-04-12). Nihilism is the belief that all values are baseless and that nothing can be known or communicated. It is often associated with extreme pessimism and a radical skepticism that condemns existence. Nihilism. Encyclopædia Britannica. [2021-12-17]. (原始内容存档于2021-11-25). In the 20th century, nihilism encompassed a variety of philosophical and aesthetic stances that, in one sense or another, denied the existence of genuine moral truths or values, rejected the possibility of knowledge or communication, and asserted the ultimate meaninglessness or purposelessness of life or of the universe. Harper, Douglas. nihilism. Online Etymology Dictionary. Nihilism. Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. [2022-04-28]. (原始内容存档于2019-05-23) (美国英语). The Meaning of Life#Nihilism. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. [3 August 2020]. (原始内容存档于2021-10-20). ter Borg, Meerten B. The Problem of Nihilism: A Sociological Approach. Sociological Analysis. 21/1988, 49 (1): 1. JSTOR 3711099. doi:10.2307/3711099. Gillespie, Michael Allen. Nihilism Before Nietzsche. University of Chicago Press. 1996. ISBN 9780226293486. Deleuze, Gilles. Nietzsche and Philosophy. 由Tomlinson, Hugh翻译. London: The Athlone Press. 1983 [1962]. ISBN 978-0-231-13877-2. Gillespie, Michael Allen. Nihilism Before Nietzsche. University of Chicago Press. 1996. ISBN 9780226293486. Gillespie, Michael Allen. Nihilism Before Nietzsche. University of Chicago Press. 1996. ISBN 9780226293486. Petrov, Kristian. ‘Strike out, right and left!’: a conceptual-historical analysis of 1860s Russian nihilism and its notion of negation. Studies in East European Thought. 2019-06, 71 (2): 73–97. ISSN 0925-9392. S2CID 150893870. doi:10.1007/s11212-019-09319-4 (英语). Cited in Woodward, Ashley. 2002. "Nihilism and the Postmodern in Vattimo's Nietzsche." Minerva 6. ISSN 1393-614X. Archived from the original on 2010-04-05. fn 1. Baudrillard, Jean. 1993. "Game with Vestiges." In Baudrillard Live, edited by M. Gane. Baudrillard, Jean. [1981] 1994. "On Nihilism." In Simulacra and Simulation, translated by S. F. Glasser. See: Toynbee, Arnold J. 1963. A Study of History VIII & IX; Mills, C. Wright. 1959. The Sociological Imagination; Bell, Daniel. 1976. The Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism. see: Rose, Gillian. 1984. Dialectic of Nihilism; Carr, Karen L. 1988. The Banalization of Nihilism; Pope John-Paul II. 1995. Evangelium vitae: Il valore e l'inviolabilita delta vita umana. Milan: Paoline Editoriale Libri." Leffel, Jim; Dennis McCallum. The Postmodern Challenge: Facing the Spirit of the Age. Christian Research Institute. (原始内容存档于2006-08-19). ...the nihilism and loneliness of postmodern culture... Phillips, Robert. Deconstructing the Mass. Latin Mass Magazine. 1999, (Winter). (原始内容存档于2004-04-17). For deconstructionists, not only is there no truth to know, there is no self to know it and so there is no soul to save or lose." and "In following the Enlightenment to its logical end, deconstruction reaches nihilism. The meaning of human life is reduced to whatever happens to interest us at the moment... Pratt, Alan. "Existential Nihilism | Nihilism (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)." Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. 存档副本. [2005-08-11]. (原始内容存档于2010-04-12).: Existential nihilism is "the notion that life has no intrinsic meaning or value, and it is, no doubt, the most commonly used and understood sense of the word today."